“A suspense thriller that grabs you on page one, keeps you reading until your eyes are bugging out, makes you feel regretful when you see the pages dwindling and realize the end of the book is near.”
The Pittsburgh Press
The Final Days is a portrait of what went on behind the scenes during the gravest crisis in the history of the American presidency.
In an enthralling narrative that flashes from one private discussion to the next, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein chronicle the previously unknown events leading to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon. This is a story you have not read in the newspapers.
The authors accomplish what no other reporters have: they take us inside the rooms where Nixon’s tapes were made and edited; where the President, his lawyers and staff committed themselves to increasingly desperate tactics to save the Nixon presidency; where the jealousies and rivalries of the President’s men were revealed; where Nixon and his family debated the choices before them.
Here is the moment-by-moment account of Richard Nixon’s last days in public office — brought vividly alive with the same novelistic detail and dialogue that made All the President’s Men a number one national bestseller.
"Unprecedented...Mr. Nixon emerges as a tragic figure weathering a catastrophic ordeal…and weathering it with considerable courage and dignity."
The New York Times
“An extraordinary work of reportage on the epic political story of our time.”
“The Final Days provides the same fast-driving, singleminded reading excitement found in novels like The Godfather and Deliverance.”
The Chicago Tribune
“The Final Days should be read soberly by the American people as a warning that they must chose their Presidents carefully. The book also gives substance to the stories we tried to tell while Nixon was still in office, stories so incredible that few people believed us.”
Jack Anderson, The New York Post
“Fascinating, macabre, mordant, melancholy, frightening."
Los Angeles Times
An extraordinary account...One can’t emphasize too vigorously that to have read the excerpts that have appeared is not to have read The Final Days at all.”
The National Observer